Minimum Wages Act (1948)

Minimum wages act, 1948

  • Providing day to day consultancy on matters pertaining to Minimum Wages
  • Assistance in payment of minimum wages at such rate as applicable in concerned states
  • Ensuring / Assistance in complying with the various provisions of the act related to disclosures, notices, displays, fines, deductions etc.
  • Preparation & Maintenance of various Registers like Register of Fines, Register of Overtime, Register of Wages, Register of Deductions etc. as provided under the act
  • Preparation & Maintenance of various records, wage slip, muster roll as provided under the Act
  • Preparation & Submission of Annual Return as prescribed under the act
  • Replying / Satisfying Show Cause Notices
  • Representing employer before inspector / Appropriate Authority
  • Assistance to companies at the time of inspection and search of any premises by inspector
  • Representing employer at the Inquiries conducted by inspector
  • Representing establishments at the time of Inquiries conducted by the Inspector